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Guide To Pregnancy And Hair Loss!

Pregnancy and hair loss has a great connection with each other. It’s found that around 90% of pregnant gain hair growth during the time of their pregnancy period. 10% of women do not face the growth of hair. Hair growth is common during the time of pregnancy. There are many pregnant women, who start taking stress about their hair growth, because hairs grow on the face, and other parts of the body as well. But actually, there is nothing to worry about it. It is totally common during the pregnancy period. Still, if you want to deal with the hair growth, then you can take help from the doctor. The doctor can help in guiding you for the best.

Do pregnant suffer from hair loss?

Hair loss is not connected to the time off during pregnancy. When a woman has given birth to a baby, then she faces the loss of hair. Lots of hairs grew on the body, after giving birth to the baby, those hairs come into the resting phase. Within 4 to 5 months, the issue of hair got in the normal stage. Do not worry; it won’t cause a permanent hair loss issue. You will get back to normal stage after some time. If in case, you are feeling hair loss during the pregnancy period, it might because of vitamin and mineral issues, so better is to consult with the doctor.

The hair growth and loss issues are raised because of the hormonal changes during the pregnancy period. During pregnancy, women undergo various hormonal changes, which leads to cause such problems in a woman’s body.

Hope that you understood the relation between pregnancy and hair loss. If you are having lots of hair growth and loss issues, then you should consult with your healthcare provider. He will guide you to the best treatment and suggestions to get the best.